quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2007

Começa a cheirar mal

O shô Sócrates não convenceu um corno.
Falou, falou, falou e disse népia.
Cagou de alto nas explicações que os portugueses queriam ouvir.
Assim não vai lá.

Palma Cavalão

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

oh dear is that man doing someone up the bottom? I remember looking along this dark alley where I used to score my heroin and seeing the "beast with two backs": two homosexual men doing it up the "dirtbox"...

"Lovely" pictures you got here. I cannot comment on the words!!

I found you quite by chance pressing that next blog button up top ...

I do a blog too, it's called Gledwood Vol 2 at http://gledwood2.blogspot.com. You're most welcome to pay a visit. It's very different from yours. More my secret diary online. Come there to read my innermost embarrassing secrets!

Looking forward to seeing you there ...

All the very best to you
("gledwood vol 2")/gledwood2.blogspot.com

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